HYBRID | PROTAB | Refill Pack


If you’re the type of person that just can’t get enough of a good thing, then the Hybrid Protab Refill Pack is for you. Each Refill Pack contains 40 tablets, and each swallowable tablet contains 25 mg of THC and takes effect in 30–90 minutes, with a duration of 2–4 hours. Should you want to consume a lighter dose, they’re scored so you can easily split one in half.

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HYBRID | PROTAB | Refill Pack


NOTE: The exact amount of cannabinoids are subject to change from batch to batch, and the numbers below are a close estimate. Dosage may vary slightly from the photos. If you’d like to confirm any information about this product,

Single pill: ~25mg THC, ~0mg-0.5mg CBD
40-pack: ~1000mg THC, ~40mg CBD per box


Protabs are designed to be swallowed with liquid.

Takes effect in 30–90 minutes, with a duration of 2–4 hours.

Should you want to consume a lighter dose, the Protabs scored so you can easily split one in half



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